

Working by Euro-Automation means involvement in challenging and demanding processess in an ever-changing international environment.

Striving to be the best, we make no secret of expecting hight standards and commitment of our employees.

We are convinced that, by creating a warm and friendly working climate, we will encourage the creativity and constant improvements required to reach our business objectives.

Our personnel policy is easy to summarise : Freedom with responsibility.



Getting a degree is great. But doing it together with Euro-Automation is even better.

We regularly welcome students who want to do their final project within our company in areas such as product development, product testing, mechanical engineering, logistics and marketing.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you think you have a project that you could develop in collaboration with Euro-Automation. Euro-Automation is expanding and offers great opportunities.

Our company employs for example application engineers, project officers, sales-, logistic- or marketing managers

who take up this challenge every day.

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